Whether it's been a minute since you've been on a bike or you're just looking to increase your endurance to get ready for BRAG, this program is designed to help you reach your goals. Stick to this guide over the course of the next few months for detailed training plans, expert advice, and plenty of tips and tricks to help you become a stronger and more confident cyclist. Grab your helmet and let's get started on your journey to get ready for a whole week on BRAG!

Coaching From Start of February
Week 1 Basic Training Plan starting Mid-February
FEB 14th. - yoga day or active recovery: go for a walk or do this yoga video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhSCKMFNchM
FEB 15th - Easy Ride get in miles and time on the bike
EASY Ride: Warm Up: 10 minutes with watts at L2 Endurance
Main Set: 1-1.5 hours, just easy and active recovery. Watts at L2 Endurance
Cooldown: 10 minutes with watts at L1 Active Recovery
FEB 16th - Strength workout with some core focus
Give me 5 min of cardio WU - your choice. Jog outside or treadmill or bike is best, but jumping jacks, or jogging works too.
25 bicycle crunches, SLOW, don't let knees go past 90 degrees, full extension of leg
20 mountain climbers
15 push-ups
14 mountain climbers
20 leg raises - start 1" off ground, raise to 90 degrees, lower slooooowwww, hold 1 sec.
13 mountain climbers
10 push-ups
12 mountain climbers
50 squats - no weight. Perfect form. Shoulder width feet, "sit in chair", back in alignment.
11 mountain climbers
10 push-ups
10 mountain climbers
1 min plank hold
9 mountain climbers
50 regular crunches - slow and concentrated
8 mountain climbers
10 push-ups
7 mountain climbers
FEB 17th - Workout #1
Easy warm-up with a ramp
4 x 30/30s - high cadence spin-ups
4 x 4 min at high zone 3 (moderate pace) with 2 min rest in between at zone 2
3 min recovery
5 min at 70% (moderate effort)
Cool down with 5 mins
FEB 18th - DAY OFF rest up for the weekend
FEB 19th - 1.5-2hrs of endurance pace riding -
30' warm-up, 30' steady tempo- just above zone 2- flat to rolling terrain, 1x5 min climb and easy cool zone 1-2 to home.
FEB 20th - Aerobic Hike/Walk/Run - get your body moving and your heart rate up for an extended period of time. Exercise how you feel, if tired, stroll. If feeling good, go for it. Pump your arms and sweat.
Repeat cycle February 21-28.
1 Month of Training Down
Weekly Schedule From Start of March
Day 1: Bike Intervals shoot for at least 1 hour of riding
15 min warm up ramp spinning easy
5 x 1 minute high cadence (110+ rpms) with 1 minute of easy riding between.
2 x 3 minutes 80 % (moderately hard)
2 minutes easy in between
2 x 3 minutes 90 % (harder than previous. Sweating, legs working hard)
2 minutes easy in between
30 sec x 5 @ FTP (short and sweet but hard)
30 sec easy in between (spin your legs easy in between the hard efforts)
10 minutes easy cool down or longer if you have time for extra miles
Day 2: Off the bike work Strength or Yoga - it’s important to work all your muscles for strong core and back
Give me 5 min of cardio WU - your choice. Jog outside or treadmill or bike is best, but jumping jacks, or jogging works too.
25 bicycle crunches, SLOW, don't let knees go past 90 degrees, full extension of leg
20 mountain climbers
15 push ups
14 mountain climbers
20 leg raises - start 1" off ground, raise to 90 degrees, lower slooooowwww, hold 1 sec.
13 mountain climbers
10 push ups
12 mountain climbers
50 squats - no weight. Perfect form. Shoulder width feet, "sit in chair", back in alignment.
11 mountain climbers
10 push ups
10 mountain climbers
1 min plank hold
9 mountain climbers
50 regular crunches - slow and concentrated
8 mountain climbers
10 push ups.
7 mountain climbers
Day 3: Endurance Ride or Aerobic activity:
Today is the day to get out for a nice ride. Focus on keeping the effort strong and steady. If you pick a route with hills, make sure you are working and keeping a good cadence up the climbs. Use the downhills to recover a little and then keep a steady pace for the duration. Work on taking hydration and nutrition on your ride. You will need the fuel to keep you going on the longer days.
Day 4: YOGA stretch + Walk (to flush your legs)
Either walk or jog to loosen everything up! Use the yoga to lengthen and release tension
Day 5: Rest Day
Pick 1 day of the week to give yourself time to relax and recover from all the hard work. Preferably before you are putting in some solid time on the bike.
Day 6: Endurance Day on the bike!
At least a 2 HR ride add in 1x15 climb, on the climb every 5th minute accelerate a little and then return to zone 2 for the meat of the ride. Really just pick a route that has a few climbs/hills and work on getting up and over. It’s more about time on the bike than anything. Think building the foundation of a pyramid. We are at the base and working on the bottom so the top will be strong.
Day 7: Topping off more endurance. Your choice of activity today
Today needs to be an aerobic day. Go on a hike, a trail run, a swim or a bike ride.
If you are in a snowy area, go for a ski! Today is all about breathing and getting the heart rate pumping. Spend time working out and moving. This will help you on the longer days of the tour! Track your workouts and make sure you are hydrating with something other than water and eating snack along the way.
2 months to go
Training From Start of April
Hi All! I wanted to give you a little breakdown on the kind of mileage you should be shooting for leading into Big Brag.
April 4 weeks
First full week April - 10 hours of riding (2 rides of 3 hours + 1 day of 2 hours and 2 other days of 1 hour rides)
2nd full week April - 12 hours of riding ( 2 rides of 3.5 hours over the weekend in a row, 2 rides of 2 hours, 1 ride of 1 hour)
3rd week 12 hours (same as week before)
4th week in April - 14 hrs (2 rides of 4 hours each, 2 rides of 2 hour and 1 ride of 2 hours)
Attend BRAG Spring TuneUp to help get ready for Big BRAG!
1 month to go - the Homestretch!
Training From Start of May
May weeks leading in to ride
1st full week - 10 (2 rides of 3 hours each, 2 rides of 1.5 hrs, 1 ride of 1 hour)
2nd full week - 16 hours ( 3 rides of 4 hours if possible, 2 rides of 2 hours)
3rd full week - 12 hours (3 rides of 3 hours, 2 rides of 1.5 hour)
4th full week - 14 hours (2 rides of 4.5 hours, 3 rides of 1.5 hours)
5th week and last week leading into Big BRAG - 8 hours